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UCSA RE-ORI 2021 | Te Whiringa



UCSA RE-ORI 2021 | Te Whiringa

te whiringa 2021

Date: Monday, July 19, 2021

Time: 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Venue: Haere-roa

Tauti mai ki Te Whiringa – join us for a night of cultural festivities!

Treat your taste buds to a selection of free Māori and Pacific kai (food). Come connect with the whānau of UC Māori and Pacific on campus, enjoy cultural performances and demonstrations from our Māori and Pacific community, then sit back and relax to watch a home-grown movie from 7.30pm

Everyone is welcome, GF & V options available, and please bring a blanket for the movie. Tēnā, nau mai!
