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Exam Breakfasts!



Exam Breakfasts!

EB Facebook

Date: Monday, June 13, 2022 to Thursday, June 23, 2022

Time: 8:00 am - 9:30 am

Venue: The Foundry

Cost: $FREE


Available while stocks last. From 8am until we run out (which is really quickly FYI – these are popular). Weekdays only.

You may have heard of this legendary time of the year. One in which students set their alarms that little bit earlier. One in which students have something to look forward to when going to sleep.
Exams are a stressful time in a students life so what better way to ease some tension than a FREE breakfast cheers to the UCSA, Fresh-up NZ and BOSS Coffee!
Head to Haere-roa at 8:00am between the 13th and the 23rd of June (weekdays only) and grab a breakfast roll! You can either get it to go or sit and enjoy it in The Foundry.
Breakfasts are available only while stocks last – first in, first served (and they go QUICK!)

Choose either:

🥓🍳 Bacon, Egg, Hash Brown and Relish served in a Bap

🥑🥑 Avocado, Tomato, Hash Brown and Relish served in a Bap (vegan)

Both options available as GF on request
