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Indonesia Cultural Day

Indonesia Cultural Day

Nusantara - 23 JUL

Date: Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Time: 10:30 am - 2:00 pm

Venue: Ngaio Marsh Theatre – Haere-roa

Cost: FREE

Indonesia Cultural Festivals will enrich your knowledge about Indonesia tourism destination & culture, enjoy Indonesian cuisine for free

About this Event

This year Nusantara Student Association of the University Canterbury supported by GenWi (Wonderful Indonesia Generation) chapter New Zealand are pleased to invite you all to experience our diverse culture and tourism destinations through our community promotion of Indonesian tourism event.

Please join our celebration of “Wonderful Indonesia: From Sabang to Merauke” and be ready to be mesmerized with local dances, songs and art performances represent 6 major islands in Indonesia, including Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali and Papua. In addition to cultural shows, you will also have the opportunity to taste Indonesia’s delicious culinary richness through various traditional Indonesian food menus including Nasi Uduk, Rendang, Javanese Fried Noodle, Urap (Indonesian veggies) and various traditional Indonesian snacks are awaiting too.

These all exciting experiences are awaiting for your participation with free of charge and a fascinating door prize is ready to be given to one lucky visitor at the end of show so make sure you will stay until the end of our Program.
