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Orientation: Bookshop Breakfast BBQ



Orientation: Bookshop Breakfast BBQ

Bookshop Brekkie

Date: Monday, February 18, 2019

Time: 8:00 am - 10:00 am

Venue: UC Bookshop

Cost: FREE

We’ve created a morning breakfast BBQ at the bookshop, to ensure that all UC students know where they can get their textbooks, stationery, UC merch and other handy goods from their first day, until their last.

Forget all you know about bookshops, this place has loads of cheeky little corners in the store that you should explore. We dare you! Get along early to the bookshop breakfast BBQ and grab the amazing bookshop specials of the day!


Keep up to date by checking our FB page: www.facebook.com/theUCSA
