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Postgraduate Wellness Workshop



Postgraduate Wellness Workshop

Postgrad workshop

Date: Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Time: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Venue: Bentleys Bar, Haere-roa

Cost: FREE

The Postgraduate Wellness Workshop is a workshop focused on providing postgrads with skills to manage oneself during challenging times.

From 10:00 am till 11:45 am we have Alex Ballagh, a yoga teacher and mindfulness expert. She will be talking about what is stress/tension/anxiety and providing some tools to support you through tough times.

From 11:45 am till 12:30 pm we have Heather Jonson, a counsellor from UC Health Centre. She will be talking about how to know when you need to seek help professionally, her model of self-care which she’s developed over the past 25 years and she will open the floor up to questions at the end.

After the discussions, some kai will be provided.

This event is totally free but is limited to 40 people.

Attendees may wish to bring a notebook and pen to take notes and some comfy clothes you can move in (as Alex will show us a series of accessible yoga poses which address various mental health challenges).

Please note that if you’re struggling now there are so many services you can connect with like the UC Health Centre, UCSA Advocacy and Welfare team, Student Care and Lifeline (0800 543 354).
