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UCSA Re-Ori | Clubs Day



UCSA Re-Ori | Clubs Day

Re-Ori: Clubs Day

Date: Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Time: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Venue: Haere-roa

Cost: FREE

More than 160 student-run clubs and organisations support the varied intellectual, artistic, cultural, social, and recreational pursuits of the UC community. From engineering to film, rugby to board games, politics to religion, acting to motor cross, we have a club for you!

Mid-year Clubs Day is a great place to see what is on offer at UC, find like-minded people and get involved. Check it out on the 14th of July at Haere-roa at 11am.

We will also have a BBQ cranking so come along, grab a free feed and find out what club has potential to enhance your life!
