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PGSA Quiz Night

PGSA Quiz Night

PGSA quiz

Date: Thursday, July 23, 2020

Time: 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Venue: Bentleys – Haere-roa

Cost: $5.00

Postgrads, are you actually smarter than a 5th grader?
Gather your gang and come join us for a fun-filled Quiz Night hosted by your own UC PGSA.

Teams of max 5 members each. Open to all event (ofcourse 18+ and please bring your IDs).

Tickets: Only $5 from Eventbrite link (nibbles provided)

What to expect?:
– Questions about anything and everything (yeah, life is not about specializing in just one topic like your postgrad studies).
– Prizes to be won 😀 (You won’t be disappointed)
– And as usual PGSA FUN STUFF! (No, honestly some fun questions guaranteed apart from our regular fun people). ‘

So hurry up and get your tickets. It’s time to get competitive

Doors open: 5:00 PM, Quiz starts: 5:30 PM (sharp)

Nibbles provided, Drinks can be bought from the Foundry Bar downstairs.
