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Exam Breakfasts



Exam Breakfasts

Exam Breakfasts UCTV

Date: Friday, November 6, 2020 to Friday, November 6, 2020

Time: 8:00 am - 10:00 am

Venue: Haere-roa Foyer

Cost: FREE

27 October – 6 November

Exam Breakfasts are back for semester 2! Keep your belly full and your brain pumping with FREE bowls of fancy porridge, rice pudding or delicious muesli.

Exam Breakfasts run from 8am till 10am weekdays or until serves run out (first in, first served). And you can find us in the Student Social Space in Haere-roa (there’s no need to book ahead). Feel free to BYO bowl and cutlery if you want to show the planet a little love.

A big thanks to our mates at Harraways, Fresh Up and Boss Coffee for the support!
