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ENSOC’s Yarns Night

ENSOC’s Yarns Night


Date: Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Time: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Venue: Bentleys – Haere-roa

Cost: FREE

Are you currently studying an Engineering degree? Bit undecided what discipline you want to go into? Or want some know what it’s like in the industry? Well ENSOC and GHD are hosting Yarn’s Night on the 24th of May at the Bentleys bar in Haere-roa!

Yarn’s night is an opportunity to come and listen to some experienced individuals from well known company’s in the in the engineering industry! Speakers will come talk about some of their experiences in the industry, their transitions from university into the industry and potential internship and graduate opportunities out there! The casual yarns night will cover some funny stories and a heap of options for future careers, exchanges, masters and heaps more! There will be areas for each discipline allowing for casual chat with other grads and even some senior engineers. The evening will consist of 6-8 speakers who will speak for approximately 10 minutes and food is provided!

Tickets are free but we have limited space so get yours now!

See you all there!
