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Show us Your Graduation Pics



Show us Your Graduation Pics

Grad Photos NoTXT (002)

Date: Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Time: 5:00 pm - 12:00 pm


Cost: FREE

COMPETITION: Congrats to everyone graduating in absentia this week! 🥂🎓💐 Share your grad pics and videos with us – we want to see how you’re celebrating at home. The winning entry will get an $100 supermarket voucher for a little spend-up.

Drop your entries in the comments on our Facebook post, or send us a DM via Instagram: @ucsa_nz



T&Cs (the boring stuff):
• You must be a UC student, NZ-based and graduating now to enter.
• Entries are submitted in the comments section of our original Facebook post, or you can DM them to our Instagram account: @ucsa_nz
• Entries can be photos or videos.
• One (1) winner will be chosen to receive the voucher prize.
• Entries close Tuesday 14th April 2020 at 12pm.
• Attempts will be made to notify the winner by Facebook or Instagram.
• Information on how to enter the competition forms part of the conditions of entry. Entry into the competition is deemed as acceptance of its terms and conditions.
• This competition is not in any way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook or Instagram.
