Tonight’s Statement From UC: An Update From The UCSA President
Kia ora e hoa mā,
The UCSA continue to realise this time is uncertain and unprecedented for us all. We know our students are feeling all kinds of ways in regards to the response of COVID-19 and please continue to share your voice, your concerns and your uncertainties with us. We have been through a lot as a community – in fact a lot is an understatement. It’s fair to say, however, the only way we have coped is by doing so together. While together may look different for the next while, and we may all be experiencing different feelings, it’s important we still hear what is going on in the student body. Additionally, now is the time we need to be kind to one another.
After the live stream and the press release the government shared today, the University reviewed its position, and has been doing so regularly. As a result, here’s a summary of where the University is currently at for the remainder of term one:
– No face-to-face teaching will occur on campus. The Library and computer facilities are still open. We have a number of students who do not have access or resource to continuing studying at home. You can use this space while practicing physical distancing.
– Test and assessments will not take place in physical settings, other arrangements or deferrals will be made and communicated to you as soon as practically possible by the University.
The UCSA support this decision by the University.
However, with no face-to-face teaching taking place and therefore a number of students not on campus, we at the UCSA are committed to finding ways to ensure you can still socially connect while you may not be able to physically connect.
We’ll stay in touch but we wanted to remind you we’re continuing to do our best for you in this process. Please keep following the Ministry of Health guidelines, and please keep checking the University’s website, as it is the best place to get your information about the coming weeks.
Tori McNoe
UCSA President