
Asian Kiwi talk bubble tea, mates and culture

Bubble tea, mates, and culture 🥭🥛 Asian Kiwi Society talk about the perks of club life and why you should get involved!

How would you describe your club to newbies?

Fun and inclusive. Asian Kiwi Society focuses on building relationships between people that identify as Asian or have an interest in Asian culture. We strongly feel that UC needs stronger representation of cultures – not limited to just Asian culture – and we are here to promote that.

What do you offer students?

Bubble tea discounts! Lots and lots of bubble tea discounts. A space where we can relate over our upbringing, food and of course, boba.

Best club memory?

Best club memory has to be our Welcome Event this year – people dying over our Spicy Noodle Challenge. Honestly good job, guys…

What events do you run?

We run a lot of social gathering events – our Welcome BBQs are very popular and we plan to have Boba Making, Camping, and many, many collabs with other International clubs!

Does Asian Kiwi sound like a bit of you? Signing up is easy-as, and you can do it online. You can also follow them on Facebook and Instagram.

If you’re keen to see what else the club scene has to offer, check out UCSA’s Club Database – there are around 160 to choose from.

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