COVID-19 Livestream Update
Kia Ora Koutou,
The purpose of the live stream today was to provide an avenue for the student voice to be heard by UC in making their decisions regarding COVID-19. The UCSA as your representatives remain committed to echoing these concerns to the University. Following the live stream, we’ve taken these concerns to Vice-Chancellor and received the following response.
Today, we understood the main things to be of importance:
1. Why was UC choosing not to cease face to face teaching when other Universities are?
UC said: UC is not ceasing face to face teaching. However, as of Monday, NO lectures with more than 100 people will take place within the same venue. Additionally, 95% of lecture material, including recordings will be available online.
Labs and tutorials will continue. However large ones will be split across multiple venues. It is expected in most cases this will cause minimal disruption to your timetable other than a venue change. The university is working towards providing online platforms for labs and tutorials by term 2. If Government advice changes and we need to do things differently, we will.
To put this in context with other campuses:
Massey university is a distance campus and therefore automatically has increased capability to provide online learning. However it is still conducting workshops and tutorials face to face.
Auckland University is suspending lectures for one week only to free up resources so it can prepare to provide online learning. Lectures will resume the following week with additional online capability and they have extended their term by one week to compensate for next weeks suspension.
This means the University of Canterbury is well in line with current practice of New Zealand universities.
2. What happens to tests, assignments? Specifically, what happens if I am off campus?
UC Said: Tests and assignments will go ahead as scheduled this term. Adjustments will be made to ensure physical distancing can be practiced during tests.
A special framework is being built to support students applying for special consideration for sickness and self-isolation. You will not need to provide a medical certificate for this process but you will need to be registered as self-isolating with the Ministry of Health. More detailed information on this and timetables will be available by Sunday evening.
The UCSA know there are many other concerns surrounding this – these being the two most prominent right now. The UCSA will continue to raise this and provide avenues for the student voice to be heard. Additionally, the UCSA will continue to summarise the live stream and communicate these to UC.
Please stay tuned.
Naku nā,
Tori McNoe – President / Tumuaki, Katie Mills – Vice-President / Tumuaki Tuarua, Jack Whittam Finance and Engagement Officer | Āpiha Pūtea