
Executive Team Update: Grading

Kia Ora e hoa mā,

The UCSA Executive wanted to address the recent petition regarding the %5 grade bump that has been brought to light by the students at Victoria University of Wellington. Rest assured the UCSA are continuing to monitor the national context closely and the University of Canterbury remain open to conversation and change so as to ensure our students are not disadvantaged.

As a reminder, our discussions already resulted in the current process on grades being reviewed (more information can be found here). Essentially, UC have said that scaling will be worked out by looking at whether the class average has gone down from previous years. If the average has gone down, UC will scale the class grades to match previous years performance ie   grades are increased in relation to the harm suffered rather than arbitrarily.

And last week we have also got agreement for the use of a fail not counting towards students GPA if they do not pass a paper this semester.

As always, if anyone had any further comments we encourage you to get in touch with the executive.

Take care, stay safe and we wish you the best of luck for your exams.

Naku nā,

Tori McNoe – Tumuaki/President

Phone: (+64) 336 90544

Tori McNoe

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