
President’s Update: Kia Kaha Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori! Two days left!

Ko tēnei Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori! Nō reira he akiaki tēnei ki a koutou ki te kōrero Māori, ahakoa te iti, ahakoa te nui! This week is Te Reo Māori Language Week and it’s your chance to give the language a go no matter how little or how much you know!

There are a tonne of events this week to celebrate the week, run by our whanau at Te Akatoki Māori Students’ Association.

Plus – use really simple Te Reo to order a drink from selected UCSA cafes this week and grab 50% off your coffee or tea.

He kawhe māku – I’ll have a coffee.

He tī maku – I’ll have a tea.

As a final note, if you have spare moment, we would love you to fill out this nationwide survey to hear about your experience learning online during COVID-19. You can find the survey here.



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