
UCSA Elections: Nominations Open 22 July

Nominations for the 2020 UCSA Election open 22 July 2020!

Each year, UCSA members get the chance to vote for their representatives on the Students’ Association governance team (‘The Student Executive’).

If you’re thinking about running as a candidate, then join us at our Election Information Session. It’s being held on 22 July at 1pm in Undercroft 101 (just after the UCSA’s Half-AGM). Here you can hear more about the roles, pick up your nomination forms and grab an information pack. If you can’t attend, these can also be picked up from the UCSA reception (located inside Haere-roa) and online here.

Why run?

There are so many benefits to being a member of the Student Executive!

Empower students: Student Executives have a say on how the UCSA’s governed, and represent the student voice at UC.

Build your CV: Being on the Executive is a real job governing an organisation with 165 employees (as of June) and a broad range of services. Not bad for the old CV.

Make connections: As a Student Executive you would get to know people from across UC and the wider community.

Get stuck into campus life: The UCSA runs fun and interesting stuff on campus, including events like Orientation and select food and beverage outlets likes The Foundry.

So all in all, it’s a great gig. If you think you’ve got what it takes, consider running for the 2021 Team!

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