
Level One: What Does it Mean for The UCSA?

These last few months have been pretty hectic, but together we’ve made it to Level One! Here’s an update on how our services are being provided for the remainder of the semester.


Haere-roa’s open again, just remember to bring your Canterbury Card because you’ll need it to gain entry. Opening hours during exams are Monday to Friday 8AM–9PM, and Saturday to Sunday 9AM–5PM.

And a heads-up that we have a new study space set-up for exams, which has free hot drinks courtesy of the UCSA Exec Team (drink stall operates 9-19 June 10AM til 5PM Monday to Friday).


The Exec Team are advocating for you at every opportunity and are working closely with UC. If you want to ask a question or pass feedback on, get in touch by email here. You can also get regular updates from them in our News section.

Student support

  • Food services: In response to COVID-19, the Food Support Service will be distributed through e-vouchers rather than parcels. However, we’re now providing the normal UCSA Foodbank service from Haere-roa (with Foodbank Grant still available as an option for students who aren’t able to come on campus).
  • Class Reps: The class reps are working remotely – feel free to get in touch.
  • The UCSA Flu Vaccination Subsidy Scheme: Our subsidy has launched and you can get details on how to apply here.
  • Subsidised optometry: We’re able to supply digital optometry vouchers online, and from Monday 18 May you also have the option of visiting UCSA reception, Haere-roa, to apply (please bring your valid UC student ID card). Details about the scheme can be found here.
  • Menstruation emergency, borrow-a-calculator and borrow-a-bike: Haere-roa is open Monday to Friday (with swipe-card access) and UCSA reception can help with these services.
  • UCSA Dental: The dental service has reopened and students can make bookings online.

Food and beverage outlets

You can now grab a bite from the following outlets, Monday to Friday during term time:

  • The Foundry 4PM–10PM
  • Nuts & Bolts 9AM–3PM
  • Collective 9AM–2.30PM
  • Chilton’s 9AM–4PM

Our other UCSA food and beverage outlets remain closed until further notice.


The CANTA Magazine Team’s still pumping out the online content. Next semester, their editions will be back in print.

Clubs and Societies

We know this has been a crazy time for clubs, and we’ve been working with them to provide support, coordination and advice.


Over the last few months we’ve gone virtual, but under Level One the UCSA’s started planning to bring events back on campus for Semester Two (including a little Re-Ori). Watch this space.


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